Ad Bash

What did Yahoo! have in mind when they created this Ad ? Any clue ?

I can understand obesity.
Maybe constipation.

Who chose Uncle Ji and his mannerisms ?

Is this an attempt at accommodating "Indian English" ? A way to touch chords and more with the millions who have no control over their oral diarrhea ?

How does a father's annoyance over his son's mailing habits make a good point about Yahoo's service ?

Why is he frowning ? What is he thinking ? The issue is comparable to Monalisa's mysterious smile.

Should I relate to his dislike for Yahoo ? Should I recall memories of relatives with rock solid opinions and feel worse about everything ?

So many questions. So little brain. So little time. Yahoo?


  1. Hahha!!!! I swear...who the hell does Yahoo's online advertising, I think they missed the punchline ;) Btw have you seen almost famous - it has the most AWESOME OST ever

  2. Hehehe... Think a li'l dirty (like joey makes anything sound dirty) ...

    "My son's always checking out his... 'Yahoo!' "


    I don't even understand why they need ads at all in the first place!

  3. probably yahoo claims that it is so famous that the young generation is hooked to it.


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